Contestants / Queens

  • All contestants must enter off of 18th street (Gate 11), see map attached

  • Gates to the fairgrounds are locked every evening at 11PM and unlocked at 7AM.  Please keep this in mind when scheduling your travels as the gate cannot be unlocked before 7AM.

  • There are two areas for contestants to park.  If you are camping you can stay on the dirt near the mini race track.  Camping is $15.00 a night and can be paid at the volunteer table or by sending to paypal @rileymcmillan196  You can also park on the west side of the mini race track on the asphalt but no overnight horse camping here.

  • There are restrooms to the south of the Sundome with heaters in them and then outhouses in the camping area.

  • Inside the SunDome there are woman and men locker rooms. Men’s locker rooms have showers, women’s does not.

  •  Please clean up after yourself and there will be dumpsters for you to use.

  • There will be NO STALLS available this year.  Due to the problems we had last year we had to exclude stall use for 2025.

  • Every contestant will need a wristband to enter the SunDome. Please get one upon checking in or from the volunteer table.  Please do not argue with SunDome staff, if you don't have a wristband you will not get access in.

  • Every contestant is allowed a plus one wristband. The plus one will need to be present to get the wristband.  Plus one wristbands are not allowed in the arena entrance (north), they must enter through the east side door toward the front of the arena. 

  • This year we do not have general admission.  Contestants and plus ones must sit in section 11 or 12, all other sections have assigned seats.

  • There is a warm up pen available, please see map for its location. There will be spot lights down there and you CANNOT drive down to this location.

  • Arena will be closed 90 minutes prior to the performance.

  • Slack will start approximately 30-40 minutes after Friday's performance.